Friday, September 25, 2009

This makes a difference in my Life

I have decided that each week I will either put a link to you tube or include a quote from one of the leaders in our church. I was brought up in an Mormon family,and those beliefs have filled my life with a fullness that I know can not be sustained in any other way.One of my beliefs, that I hold especially close to my heart is the knowledge that my family will be together forever. Adam and I were married in the Sydney Australia Temple. The ordinances that are preformed there (like marriage) last not only for this life time but through out all eternity. I can remember attending a wedding and it was beautiful.The bride looked perfect and the groom very handsome and the service was really special.I could tell that the couple loved each other very much and it definitely was one of the most special days in both their lives(so far :))I can remember as the celebrant said these words "till death shall part thee" and you know most people in the room would have though nothing of it. However to me is sounded almost cruel..looking at those two so obviously in love, ready to start out their lives together,walk through all the joy and hardships. To eventually hold one of their own babies in their arms. To know that it was only "until death shall part thee" Right then I said a prayer of thankfulness to Heavenly Father, who loved me enough to send his son, to earth to suffer, bleed and die for me. He made repentance possible, so when I make mistakes I am able to repent, and make changes in my life to hopefully not let that same mistake keep happening.I was filled with gratitude to know that there is the opportunity for everyone.One of the biggest blessings I have in my live is to know that we are a Forever Family.


Ann Marie said...

Good thoughts.. Tis true.

工作達人 said...

Hi!I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Taiwan. My wife and I will travel to Sydney for 5 days. So do you know about temple?